samedi 10 décembre 2016

Amazon Revolutionized Grocery Shopping - and No, It's Not a Delivery Service

Amazon is eliminating checkout lines and making grocery shopping faster than ever with its newest business venture, Amazon Go. It's an actual grocery store that you walk into, browse and pick up items from shelves, and then . . . walk straight out without paying at a register. "Four years ago, we started to wonder, 'what would shopping look like if you could walk into a store, grab what you want, and just go?'" the narrator of the Amazon Go tutorial video explained.

How does it work? To enter the store, you just have to scan your Amazon Go app at the entrance. Amazon detects and records items automatically every time you pick something up or put it back down - you don't even have to scan the grocery items on your app. Once you walk out of the store, your Amazon account is charged and you'll receive a receipt on your app. "We used senior fusion, much like you'd find in self-driving cars," the video noted. Kind of like being charged for Uber or Lyft without swiping your card, the Amazon Go process allows you to leave the store as soon as you're done shopping, avoiding the checkout process altogether.

For now, the sole Amazon Go is located in Seattle and is only open to Amazon employees, but according to the company, the store will be open to the public in early 2017. If you (like me) delight in the idea of going grocery shopping without making small talk or waiting in long lines, let's hope this idea catches on fast.


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