mercredi 14 décembre 2016

These Comics Capture Exactly What Hogwarts Students Felt While Harry Potter Was There

Attending Hogwarts while Harry, Ron, and Hermione caused chaos (and saved the wizarding world) was probably the worst time to go. Simple activities like going to a Quidditch game or even taking your History of Magic final turned into yet another drama about Harry Potter. It's these feelings that one artist is turning into hilarious comics.

Based in Brussels, artist Emily McGovern has a comic series called "My Life as a Background Slytherin." In it, she details what it must've been like to go to Hogwarts at the same time as Harry Potter. Remember when Hermione set fire to Snape's cloak in the first book? Emily's character in the comic spots her doing it! Those "Potter Stinks" badges? Totally Emily's idea as a background Slytherin. McGovern publishes her comics on Instagram, Tumblr, and Facebook. While people love them there with hundreds of "likes" and notes, they are also going viral on Reddit.

See some of our favorites ahead, and be sure to follow her to read more of her comics. You might even find two that document life as a background Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff student!

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