jeudi 29 décembre 2016

This Woman Shot Down Mean Comments About Her Looks With This Heartwarming Story

At 31-years old, The Stay At Home Chef usually shares recipes, but after receiving a comment about her gray hair, saying, "you look like you're 70 with your gray hairs. You really should consider dyeing them for TV so you don't look like such an old hag," she felt compelled to respond. She explains that she suffers from a rare autoimmune disease that most likely means she will never live until she's 70 years old, so she actually welcomes any signs of old age because it's a sign that she's still alive (just a sec, grabbing tissues). Her beautiful message is to stop wasting time criticizing yourself as well as others, and to love yourself fully. "The world needs more women to rock their bodies exactly the way God made them. Be that person."

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