dimanche 19 février 2017

J.K. Rowling Just Gave Piers Morgan a Huge Valentine's Day BURN on Twitter

We knew that J.K. Rowling was magical even before the days of social media, but she is truly the brightest witch of any age on Twitter. Following a weekend-long tweet feud with controversial TV personality Piers Morgan, the Harry Potter author gave Morgan the Valentine's Day gift of a self-burn by laying an impressive Twitter trap for him. Somebody call Madam Pomfrey, because we think he'll need the hospital wing after this!

It all started with Rowling screengrabbing a flattering excerpt written about her by Morgan in a 2010 Daily Mail piece about "100 British celebrities who really matter." (Already priceless, right?) She facetiously asked who the author was so she could thank him, and let's suffice it to say that Morgan took the bait.

After Morgan insulted Rowling, clearly not recognizing the complimentary writing as his own, the internet was quick to point out his mistake.

Which, of course, caused Morgan to backpedal faster than a caffeine-hyped unicyclist.

Rowling's masterful burn was so severe, even Lucius Malfoy actor Jason Isaacs couldn't help weighing in . . .

Wand drop indeed. You go, J.K. Rowling!

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