lundi 6 février 2017
Lady Gaga Was Horribly Body Shamed During the Super Bowl, but Her Fans Reacted in the Best Way
While most of us were quick to applaud Lady Gaga's outstanding Super Bowl halftime performance, others had the nerve to comment on her appearance by body shaming her. When the 30-year-old singer came out in a crop top and shorts to perform "Bad Romance," her perfectly toned athletic figure was on full display, but apparently many Twitter users felt differently, using the opportunity to fat shame the performer.
Haters fired off offensive tweets commenting on her shape and suggesting that she "do some crunches if she wants to show her flabby belly." Not only are these tweets completely and utterly untrue, but they're beyond offensive, and body shaming someone, regardless of their celebrity status, is never acceptable. These terrible Twitter trolls were immediately shut down by her loyal fans. Many praised Lady Gaga for "rocking her less than 'perfect' stomach," and confidently flaunting her "real body."
Keep reading to see some of the mind-blowing tweets, and then read on to see some reactions from Lady Gaga's fans who came to the singer's defense by giving the haters a much-needed reality check.
Watch Lady Gaga's Epic, Sweeping Halftime Show Performance All Over Again
Lady Gaga Gave Us Life With Her Dazzling Super Bowl Halftime Show - See All the Pictures
Lady Gaga Used Drones For Her Super Bowl Show and It Was Absolutely Incredible
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