jeudi 9 février 2017

This Boy's NSFW Imaginary Friend Resulted in 1 Hysterical Note From School

There's no denying that kids have pretty wild imaginations. But what happens when their imaginary friends start taking on a new, perhaps more naughty, persona? It turns out their teachers may take note of it, and that's exactly what just happened for one 10-year-old in England.

When Paul Hunt's son came home from school one afternoon, he gave his dad a letter from his teacher. It wasn't about poor grades or a lack of classroom participation, but rather about the boy's new imaginary friend that has quite the inappropriate name: "Wildo the Dildo." Yes, you read that correctly.

Paul shared the letter with his Twitter followers, adding that the it's "the funniest thing I've ever read."

The teacher's note began by explaining how Paul's son and his friends "often make up characters, give them amusing names and then they have exciting adventures at playtimes." The letter added that although having imaginary friends in itself isn't harmful, this boy's interesting choice for a character name has "raised some concerns."

When Paul first read the note, he couldn't help but crack up. "My son genuinely had no idea what the word meant and was mortified when he found out it wasn't appropriate," he told POPSUGAR Moms. "When we received the letter we struggled to keep a straight face in front of him, but we managed it somehow."

He wasn't the only one to get a good laugh out of his child's rhyme, hundreds of people responded to his tweet to express how hilarious the whole fiasco is.

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