vendredi 3 mars 2017
Get Insanely Strong With This Intense 10-Minute Bodyweight Workout
5-10-15. That's all you need to remember for this quick, but intense, workout. You'll strengthen the arms, upper back, core, butt, and legs in just 10 minutes. And you don't need an expensive gym membership or equipment to do this workout - just you and your own determination to push yourself hard.
Directions: Set a timer for five minutes. Keep repeating the below three-move circuit until the five minutes are up. Take a two-minute break and repeat for another five minutes. Or make this workout even harder by going for 10 straight minutes.
5 triceps push-ups
10 diamond sit-ups
15 air squats
Within the five minutes, aim to complete between three and five rounds of the circuit. Below is an explanation of each exercise, including modifications for each move.
8-Minute, 4-Move Total-Body Dumbbell Workout
If You Only Have 10 Minutes to Work Out Today, Do This 4-Move Workout
Tone Your Entire Body (Mostly Your Butt!) With This 4-Move Workout
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