lundi 17 avril 2017

The Tear-Inducing Reason a Girl and Her Grandpa Approached 1 Mom at the Mall

While Louise Sharp was out shopping with her little girl, Jessica, she caught the eye of a child and an older gentleman.

When the mother-daughter duo walked by, the child called out to the pair until she got Louise's attention. "I heard someone shout, 'Excuse me' and I turned around expecting someone to tell me I'd dropped something," Louise shared on Facebook. "But instead, a young girl aged 8 or 9 years old handed me a bunch of daffodils, a chocolate bunny, and a note, and said, 'These are for you.'"

Louise was completely caught off guard and simply asked, "Oh my goodness, why?" as the little stranger handed her the gifts. However, as sweet as the items were, it was how the child responded that was worth more than any present. "She replied, 'Because you're special, and people need to be told they're special. And we all need to be kind to each other. So these are off me and my Granddad,'" Louise recalled. "Completely gob smacked, I thanked her and told her she's extremely kind and that makes her special too."

When Louise read the letter, she saw that the girl's name is Cassidy and wants the child and her grandfather to know the impact that their random act of kindness had on her. "You have just completely made my day, if not my year you inspirational girl, and I'll keep the note forever and look at it every time I feel I'm having a difficult day," she wrote. "And you're right, we absolutely do."

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