samedi 20 mai 2017
5 Things You Need to Do to Keep Your Wedding Dress in the Best Condition
Image Source: Lindsay Muciy Photography
Immediately after your wedding, cleaning your dress is probably the last thing on your mind. But if you want it to last forever in pristine condition, there are several things you need to keep in mind. Most brides wait around six weeks to get their dress cleaned, but according to experts, that's way too long if you're looking to preserve it long-term. Ideally, you'll want to take it to a professional the day after your wedding while any stains are still fresh and any damage is still reversible. Failing to do so could cause the fibers of your gown to break down and discolor from air exposure. If you plan on taking your honeymoon straight after your reception, arrange beforehand for a trusted friend or family member to drop it off at a cleaner you've already carefully chosen. That way, it'll be restored and ready for you (around two weeks or so) by the time you return.
Below are helpful infographics provided by Mulberrys Cleaners detailing proper wedding dress preservation. Check out five of the most important things you should do:
- Use a padded hanger to hang your gown to prevent stretching.
- Get it cleaned ASAP! The day after is best, but don't push past one month.
- Store the dress in a cool, dry, dark place.
- Leave it to the professionals - don't try to clean it yourself!
- Find a cleaner who specializes in wedding dresses. (See below for what kind of questions to ask.)
Image Source: Mulberrys Cleaners
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