jeudi 11 mai 2017

Dad Highlights the Humor in His Son's Very Literal Homework Fail

I haven't met a person yet who doesn't get a good giggle from a kid's funny homework fail, and this adorable assignment is sure to be no different. In a post to Reddit titled "My son is one of 'those' kids," a dad shares his 8-year-old son's very literal attempt at his alphabetical order English homework, and admits that he laughed pretty hard at the results.

However, the dad, whose wife homeschools their son, didn't just laugh and ignore the boy's mistake. "We explained that what he did was not wrong, but was also not what will be expected," he wrote. "We think it's important that he be able to think critically, and logically, and also have the comprehension to understand what is expected."

And if you're thinking what many of the post's commenters were, the reason the worksheet isn't finished is because the dad only realized his son's error when he got to this point in the assignment. He decided to take the picture of the sheet during his son's moment of hesitation. "He stopped to ask if both E's needed to be written for Queen," the dad said.

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