vendredi 26 mai 2017
Doctor to Anti-Vaxxer Group: "Your Presence Here Will Cause Babies to Die"
Another doctor is doing his part to put an end to the vaccination debate, and he's taking on the misinformed anti-vaxxers directly.
Dr. Lance O'Sullivan crashed a "documentary" screening of Vaxxed and took to the stage to warn audience members of the dangers behind the film's message, which attempts to incorrectly link vaccines to autism.
The renowned New Zealand doctor was invited to the event, but made it clear he wasn't a supporter.
"I come here with a lot of anger," he said after taking the stage. "That's because I am adamantly opposed to this because this position, this idea of anti-immunization, has killed children around the world and actually will continue to kill children . . . whose parents have put off immunization because of misinformation ― misinformation based on lies, quite frankly."
He later added, "Your presence here will cause children to die."
The only thing that would have made this better is if he had a mic to drop. Well said, doc!
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