vendredi 26 mai 2017

If These Red Flags Sound WAY Too Familiar, Your Partner May Be Cheating on You

It's always an unsettling feeling when you have suspicions of your partner being unfaithful. Trust is such a key component to a successful relationship that once broken, it's hard to return things to the way they were. But before jumping to conclusions, it's important to evaluate what exactly is making you doubt him or her. If you're feeling paranoid, confirm your uncertainties or put your mind to ease before you let them consume you. Read on for six signs that could mean your SO is cheating on you.

1. They've done it before.

The saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater," is not completely invalid. If your partner has a history of cheating, whether in your relationship or before, it's more likely that they will repeat the pattern. Although a previous mistake could have been a one-time occurrence, it is worth considering past behaviors.

2. They've become more distant.

If you've noticed that your partner has been acting cold toward you, it could be an indication that they're either acting warm elsewhere or feeling guilty about something. Denial of their change in behavior could also mean they're hiding something.

3. They're too short or too defensive in their responses.

Your partner may be providing vague details about their whereabouts on purpose. They don't want you keeping tabs on where they are or who they're with. If they get uncharacteristically angry or defensive when you call them out, that could be also be a sign that your suspicions are true.

4. Your sex life isn't the same.

The passion is bound to simmer down after some point. However, if you and your partner's intimacy level has gone down noticeably, it could mean they're involved with another person.

5. They're late.

If your partner is normally terrible with punctuality, it may not mean anything when they arrive to plans tardy. But it's a common and obvious sign that shouldn't be overlooked. Later-than-usual work nights, excuses of why they can no longer make it, and showing up late could mean there's someone else. They're either prioritizing their time with the other person or losing track of time juggling the both of you.

6. You have a gut feeling.

In most cases, your instincts are usually right. If you just can't shake the thought and all signs are leading to cheating, trust your judgment and have a conversation with your partner.

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