vendredi 5 mai 2017

Karma Alert: Judge Rules That Couple Denied a Marriage License by Kim Davis Can Sue Her

Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis is back in the spotlight again, but this time for some news she's probably not happy about. On May 2, three judges ruled that the gay couple whom she denied a marriage license are free and clear sue her for damages.

This story begins with David Ermold and David Moore, who originally sued Davis, a Rowan, KY, county clerk for denying them a marriage license. Davis refused to give them one, citing religious grounds. The case was dismissed by Judge David Bunning, who believed that an executive order from Kentucky Governor Matthew Bevin made the case unnecessary. The executive order stated that a marriage license didn't require the name of the county clerk. However, three judges on the US sixth circuit of appeals have now thrown the case back to Bunning, stating that Ermold and Moore weren't looking for "an injunction - they sought only damages."

Davis, who originally spent five days in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, will now have to face up to the lawsuit. When she first refused to issue marriage licenses, the far right painted her as a hero. Rallies were held in her honor as she was in jail, and when she was released, elated crowds greeted her.

Ermold and Moore's lawyer believes they will win. "We're going to get damages, I'm sure of that," Gartland said to The Lexington Herald-Leader. "There's been no discovery yet. I can't imagine it's a huge amount of damages, but there are damages."


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