lundi 22 mai 2017

Parents Be Warned: This Horrifying Video Is What Can Happen When Kids Bite Their Nails

Biting fingernails and cuticles is a common habit among kids and adults. Although many parents discourage their little ones from nibbling away because of fear of potential germs and how it looks, one mom is sharing another potential danger with parents and the footage is nothing short of shocking.

Sara Guidry explains in a caption along with her horrifying YouTube video that her son, Kale, has always kept her on her toes but she never anticipated anything quite like this. "Looking in Kale's mouth I see something white in his gums," she wrote. "I get a tweezer and pull it. It looked like a fingernail. I continued to pull four more out."

After that first discovery, she looked over the rest of his mouth and found a total of 27 fingernail clippings lodged in a second area of her boy's gums, "YES 27! The dentist has never seen anything like this," she wrote. "We figured out that Kale bites his nails and plays with them in his mouth."

As Kale nibbles away, he pushes the particles up towards his pallet and Sara is showing footage of her extracting one of the 32 pieces as an eye-opening wake up call to parents of nail biters. "The nail penetrates the skin and goes into a pocket between the baby teeth and permanent teeth," she wrote. "Don't let your children bite their nails! If you can handle the disgust check out the video."

Warning: the video makes dealing with blowout diapers look enjoyable - but you won't be able to look away.

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