mercredi 3 mai 2017
Sen. Gillibrand and Rep. Jayapal Offer Insider Tips on How to Run For Office
The onslaught of destructive, antiwoman actions coming from the current White House administration only underscores what we already know: we are in desperate need of more female representation in public office, and we can't wait long for it.
So what can you do to help ensure women's voices are amplified and our rights are defended from inside our government? Glad you asked. If you're passionate about your community and determined to effect real change, you're just the woman we've been waiting for - seriously. Make the choice to be defiantly confident in your own leadership potential, and count yourself in: consider running for office.
If entering the world of politics sounds intimidating, don't let that deter you from taking on the challenge. There are so many fabulous organizations and individuals just waiting in the wings to help your campaign succeed. But don't just take it from us! Check out our conversation below with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand from New York, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal from Washington's seventh district, and the team at Emily's List (an organization that helps get pro-choice Democratic women elected) on everything women should know about launching a run for office, from how to handle the unique challenges you'll face on the campaign trail to the resources you'll want to tap into in order to win. And then get out there and run!
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