mardi 16 mai 2017
These Interview Horror Stories Will Make You Feel So Much Better About Your Own
If you've been in the workforce for even a few years, chances are you've had at least one not-so-great interview (if not several). Take heart, though: whatever has happened in your most awkward interviews probably doesn't even compare to the weird, offensive, and downright gross experiences some bosses have endured.
When posed the question, "Bosses of Reddit, what's the worst interview you've seen?" Redditors did not disappoint in providing entertaining and shocking tales of interview woe. Some key takeaways: definitely research the company, don't lie about everything but don't reveal too much either, and ask thoughtful questions that aren't personally offensive.
From blatantly sexist (or possibly murderous) candidates to those who actually brought along their parents to the interview, take a look at some of the internet's craziest interview horror stories. You'll feel better about yourself in minutes, we promise.
Bring Your Mother to Interview Day
"Keeping it real with y'all" is a valuable skill.
For the last time, just leave your murder paintings at home.
Why would you ever ask that, indeed.
Try not to shoot anyone in the head beforehand and you'll have a leg up.
Speaking of getting a leg up . . . this is gross.
Honesty is not always the best policy.
"I want to know about her life."
You know what happens when you assume, right?
Most expensive interview ever.
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