lundi 22 mai 2017

What Do Dreams About Bugs Mean?

Has something been bothering you lately? This might be why you're having dreams about bugs. Insect-related dreams are very common, and they are definitely symbolic of events happening in your life. If you're having these sorts of visions when you fall asleep, you should know what they mean.

If you are having dreams with ants, bees, beetles, cockroaches, or spiders in them, it means that something in your life is really bothering you. Whether you're trying to kill a bug or get away from one or they are crawling all over you, this all has a similar meaning. You have been annoyed by something in your personal or professional life and you can't seem to make it go away. You really want the irritation to stop, but it feels like it's no longer in your control.

Alternatively, if you are dreaming about caterpillars or butterflies, it could mean that there is something you're dying to say or do, and it's building up inside of you. You want the relief of being free to say and do as you please but right now isn't a good time to do so. You have to wait until it's appropriate to take action, and all this waiting is on your mind.

No matter what kind of bug dreams you're having, just know that it's very normal. Don't let it worry you. People have these sorts of visions at night all the time.

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