jeudi 18 mai 2017
WTF Is Dragon Fruit, and How Do You Eat It?
Image source: Flickr user Caitlin Childs
Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, has surged in popularity thanks to the smoothie bowl trend, but what is it exactly? The oval fuchsia fruit with soft green spikes looks like the egg of a mythical creature, but it's actually the fruit of a cactus that's indigenous to the Americas. Underneath the bright skin is either white or pink fruit, speckled with black seeds. Despite the shocking colors, dragon fruit has a bland flavor. Many liken the taste and texture to a kiwi fruit.
Image source: Flickr user Guian Bolisay
If you see one of these wild dragon fruits at your grocery or a nearby market, don't be afraid to pick it up. Prepping it for snacking couldn't be easier. Though the thick pink skin seems like it's difficult to bust into, simply cut off the stalk and root ends and slice the fruit in half lengthwise to reveal the fruit. Peel off the skin with your fingers (like prepping an avocado), then slice and dice it into bite-size pieces. Snack on it solo, or try blending it in a smoothie or pitaya bowl.
Image source: Flickr user Sofiya Muntyan
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