jeudi 29 juin 2017
10 Tabata Workouts That Will Help You Burn Some Serious Calories
If you are looking to burn major calories in record time, Tabata is for you! A type of high-intensity interval training, it's known for the powerful effect it can have on raising the body's resting metabolism. These Tabata workouts will give you a taste of its intensity while also working to build muscle and get your heart rate up, up, up! The best part? All can be done in the comfort of your own home.
- This 20-minute Tabata workout from Sports Club/LA doesn't require a single piece of equipment. By the end of the workout, you'll feel like you were at the gym all day - it's that intense!
- If Tabata isn't hard enough for you, challenge yourself with this 30-minute HIIT session. During your 10-second "rest" periods, you'll be tasked with doing isometric exercises like wall sits and planks.
- Get ready to explode! This living-room Tabata workout takes less than 30 minutes and is stacked with plyometric exercises.
- This Tabata session works your entire body in just under 40 minutes and comes with a handy printable that you can take with you to the gym.
- This grueling Tabata session clocks in at 45 minutes and pairs strength-training exercises with cardio moves (including use of a jump rope!). Expect to be out of breath the entire time!
- Don't have any time to spare? Not to worry, this high-intensity workout will only take you eight minutes! That's less time than it takes to cook dinner.
- Who doesn't love a good printable? Keep this poster hung up in your house as a little source of encouragement. Since this Tabata session requires absolutely no equipment, you can do it just about anywhere, anytime!
- This workout is made of two Tabata sets, plus a short warmup and cooldown. And since it's a video, we keep track of the timing.
- It doesn't get much simpler than this two-move Tabata circuit. That's right, only two moves!
- This 30-minute cardio and sculpting workout video is one of our hardest ever, but Equinox Tabata instructor Raneir Pollard's amazing energy will inspire you to fight for it.
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