samedi 24 juin 2017
100 Pretty Baby Girl Names in Spanish
One of the hardest parts about having a baby girl is trying to pick a name. It's not easy to choose what this little human is going to be called for the rest of her life, but we are here to help you figure it out. If you're looking for a way to honor your Latin roots or just want to give you baby girl a name in Spanish, we've got you covered. These 100 names are some of the prettiest out there, so scroll through and see if you can decide on one (or maybe a combination of two or three). They roll right off the tongue and have a beautiful ring to them.
- Adella
- Adriana
- Alejandra
- Alexandra
- Alicia
- Alma
- Amada
- Amaia
- Ana
- Aracely
- Bárbara
- Belinda
- Belkis
- Bianca
- Camila
- Carina
- Carmen
- Carolina
- Catalina
- Celia
- Constanza
- Cristina
- Daniela
- Dayanara
- Diana
- Dulce
- Elisabeth
- Emilia
- Erica
- Esmeralda
- Estela
- Eva
- Evelyn
- Fátima
- Francesca
- Francisca
- Frida
- Gabriela
- Génesis
- Gisele
- Guadalupe
- Iluminada
- Irene
- Isabella
- Ivána
- Izabel
- Jaqueline
- Jessica
- Julia
- Karla
- Laila
- Laura
- Letizia
- Lili
- Lilian
- Liliana
- Liza
- Lola
- Lorena
- Loretta
- Lourdes
- Lucero
- Luisa
- Luna
- Lusiana
- Luz
- Mar
- María
- Mariana
- Maribel
- Marina
- Marisol
- Maritza
- Mayte
- Mercedes
- Mia
- Mónica
- Natália
- Nieve
- Paloma
- Paola
- Paulina
- Raquel
- Rocío
- Rosa
- Santana
- Sara
- Selena
- Sofía
- Soledad
- Sonia
- Tatiana
- Thalia
- Valentina
- Valeria
- Victoria
- Ximena
- Xiomara
- Yesenia
- Zara
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