samedi 24 juin 2017

100 Pretty Baby Girl Names in Spanish

One of the hardest parts about having a baby girl is trying to pick a name. It's not easy to choose what this little human is going to be called for the rest of her life, but we are here to help you figure it out. If you're looking for a way to honor your Latin roots or just want to give you baby girl a name in Spanish, we've got you covered. These 100 names are some of the prettiest out there, so scroll through and see if you can decide on one (or maybe a combination of two or three). They roll right off the tongue and have a beautiful ring to them.

  1. Adella
  2. Adriana
  3. Alejandra
  4. Alexandra
  5. Alicia
  6. Alma
  7. Amada
  8. Amaia
  9. Ana
  10. Aracely
  11. Bárbara
  12. Belinda
  13. Belkis
  14. Bianca
  15. Camila
  16. Carina
  17. Carmen
  18. Carolina
  19. Catalina
  20. Celia
  21. Constanza
  22. Cristina
  23. Daniela
  24. Dayanara
  25. Diana
  26. Dulce
  27. Elisabeth
  28. Emilia
  29. Erica
  30. Esmeralda
  31. Estela
  32. Eva
  33. Evelyn
  34. Fátima
  35. Francesca
  36. Francisca
  37. Frida
  38. Gabriela
  39. Génesis
  40. Gisele
  41. Guadalupe
  42. Iluminada
  43. Irene
  44. Isabella
  45. Ivána
  46. Izabel
  47. Jaqueline
  48. Jessica
  49. Julia
  50. Karla
  51. Laila
  52. Laura
  53. Letizia
  54. Lili
  55. Lilian
  56. Liliana
  57. Liza
  58. Lola
  59. Lorena
  60. Loretta
  61. Lourdes
  62. Lucero
  63. Luisa
  64. Luna
  65. Lusiana
  66. Luz
  67. Mar
  68. María
  69. Mariana
  70. Maribel
  71. Marina
  72. Marisol
  73. Maritza
  74. Mayte
  75. Mercedes
  76. Mia
  77. Mónica
  78. Natália
  79. Nieve
  80. Paloma
  81. Paola
  82. Paulina
  83. Raquel
  84. Rocío
  85. Rosa
  86. Santana
  87. Sara
  88. Selena
  89. Sofía
  90. Soledad
  91. Sonia
  92. Tatiana
  93. Thalia
  94. Valentina
  95. Valeria
  96. Victoria
  97. Ximena
  98. Xiomara
  99. Yesenia
  100. Zara

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