jeudi 1 juin 2017
5 Things You Can Do to Feel More Energized Right Now
While it's hard to undo a night of crappy sleep, there are definitely small things you can do to try. The next time you're feeling sluggish and not on top of your game, find help with one of these methods.
- Drink water: A lack of energy is often a sign that you're dehydrated. Not only can being dehydrated make you feel sluggish, but it can also cause you to feel foggy and more prone to headaches. Make sure you always have water on hand by investing in a reusable water bottle.
- Go for a walk: A little fresh air and sunshine can do a lot when it comes to boosting energy. If you sit at a desk all day, give yourself at least 15 minutes to get outside and away from your desk. Doing so will also do wonders for your productivity.
- Reach for an energizing snack: Your brain and body need food to keep going through the day, but choosing items there are loaded in sugar or fat may do more to load you down than lift you up. Avoid a midafternoon sugar crash by opting for snacks that are full of good-for-you protein, fiber, and whole grains.
- Stretch: A quick stretch session can help energize you by getting the blood flowing and also aiding in digestion. Yogi Tara Stiles recommends these poses to wake up the body and add much-needed energy to your day.
- Dance: Throw on a playlist, crank up your stereo, and get moving for a few minutes! Dancing has been shown to make people feel more happy and less stressed. And like any form of exercise, dancing translates to more energy throughout the day. Not a fan of dance? Hop in a conference room and do a set of jumping jacks instead!
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