vendredi 2 juin 2017
6 Theories About How Orange Is the New Black Season 5 Will Start
Last season of Orange Is the New Black ended with a bang, almost literally. In the final moments of the finale, everything descends into chaos as the inmates riot. Daya gets a hold of CO Humphrey's gun and points it at his face, and that's all we know. In the months since we finished season four, we've locked in on new season five details. Now, with a handful of new pictures and an intense new clip that shows the gripping first minute of the premiere, we're determined to figure out how this all ends up. Let's go over all the possibilities.
1. Daya Shoots Humphrey
This has to be the most obvious outcome. She's already pointing the gun, and Humphrey is right there. Everyone knows Humphrey is an awful, awful man. Plus, I mean, we're sure Daya still has some hard feelings after Bennett broke her heart. Maybe she's got some issues to work out. So, for all those reasons, she fires.
2. Someone Else Fires an Entirely Different Gun
Just because we hear a gun fire, it doesn't necessarily mean it's Daya's. After all, with such an intensely escalating situation, it's possible someone calls for backup. Perhaps there's a chance someone else arrives on the scene with another gun, deems Daya a danger, and fires to put her out of commission.
3. Daya Shoots the Ceiling to Shut Everyone Up
In the first minute, it's clear Daya is overwhelmed. It seems like it's so loud, she can't hear herself think. Maybe she just fires the gun into the ceiling so everyone stops screaming at her. Then, with a clear head, she can make her choice - which, really, could be any of these other options.
4. Another Inmate Grabs the Gun and Shoots Humphrey
With so many angry, riled up inmates surrounding Daya, what's to stop someone else from grabbing the gun and shooting Humphrey? After all, he's forced Maritza to eat dead flies at gunpoint, and he's just forced Suzanne and Maureen into a crazy brutal brawl. It's safe to say a lot of these inmates want him dead, so if Daya doesn't do it, someone else will.
5. Daya Accidentally (or Deliberately) Shoots Someone Else
Daya has been underestimated and marginalized by many other inmates for plenty of seasons. That might explain why she just might snap and shoot someone else entirely. Then again, as we mentioned above, this is a high-stress situation, and she's clearly overwhelmed, which is why she might just shut her eyes and fire at will, no aim required.
6. No One Fires a Gun
Listen, we hate to bring this up, but it's a possibility. Maybe it's all just a fake-out, just a juicy sound effect to keep us on our toes. Since the teasers have yet to show Daya (or anyone) firing a gun, we have to consider the possibility that it doesn't happen. Since Daya is taking so long to decide what to do, maybe she gets intercepted by someone else before she has a chance to make her decision. It would certainly be the lamest outcome, but it's not impossible.
One way or another, we'll have our answer when Orange Is the New Black returns on June 9.
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