lundi 12 juin 2017

How a Toddler's Dry Drowning Death Just Saved This 2-Year-Old Boy's Life

After 4-year-old Frankie Delgado's tragic dry drowning death, his family spoke out, and luckily for another little boy, his parents were listening.

Frankie recently passed away in Texas six days after he went swimming. His story went viral after his parents spoke out to raise awareness for dry drowning's delayed symptoms, and it reached Staff Sgt. Garon Vega in Colorado. Just days later, he found himself in an eerily similar situation.

Garon told ABC News that after his 2-year-old boy, Gio, went swimming in shallow water, he came down with a fever and was having trouble breathing. Instead of waiting to see if his condition improved, Garon remembered Frankie's story and immediately took his toddler to the emergency room.

According to Garon, the doctor told him that Gio would not have survived the night had he not been brought in when he was. "I feel like I needed to reach out to the parents of little Frankie and tell them, I don't know how to word it, but their little boy saved our little boy's life," Garon said. "There was a purpose. It was an unfortunate thing that happened, but if I had not told my wife that he swallowed the water, and if she had not seen that article, I think we would've ended up dispelling it as a regular sickness."

Learn more about dry drowning and its symptoms.

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