lundi 19 juin 2017
Leave It to Jimmy Kimmel to Put the Vaccine Debate Into Hysterical Perspective
It's hard to find the "funny" in the vaccination debate - both sides are so heated - but Jimmy Kimmel did just that. Prior to inviting a number of doctors to participate in a public service announcement encouraging parents to get their kids vaccinated, Jimmy dedicated a significant portion of his monologue to the subject. Noting that at some schools in the Los Angeles area, as many as 20 percent of the students aren't vaccinated, he joked that "Parents here are more scared of gluten than of smallpox!"
That wasn't his only shot at antivaxxers. Jimmy inserted zingers like "The thing about doctors is they didn't learn about the human body from their friend's Facebook page," and "By the way, you should also let your kids smoke - why wouldn't you? The only people who say not to are doctors, and they don't know!" before turning the matter over to some doctors for explanation. Humor makes the debate much more digestible, doesn't it?
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