vendredi 16 juin 2017

Mom's Message to the Stranger at Cracker Barrel Who Commented on Her Kids' "Behavior"

Even though Nina is on parent duty by herself this Summer because her husband is working, she still wanted to do something special for her five kids. The Florida mom decided to surprise her brood with the treat of eating out at a restaurant; but the trip didn't go at all as she expected.

"If you suffer from anxiety like I do, going out can sometimes feel like a chore," she shared with the Love What Matters Facebook page. "I was willing to take control of my anxiety and do it."

Nina explained that she and her husband work hard on teaching their children how to behave while in public, but when she took her kids to Cracker Barrel, there was no guarantee that they would all remember their manners. At the end of their meal, the children went to use the bathroom and a stranger approached Nina. "'All these kids are yours?'" Nina recalled her asking. "'They are so well behaved. I can't believe it.'"

Shocked, Nina thanked the woman and explained how much her kind words meant. She also shared that their father is very involved with the kids - and is also a Marine - so the example he sets definitely helps. They chatted for a few more minutes and before Nina and her family left, their waitress came back to the table.

The waitress also commented on her kids' behavior and then took the bill from her. "'It's been PAID for by a family here at the restaurant who has noticed your beautiful, well-behaved children. All they ask is that you PAY IT FORWARD,'" the server told Nina. "I immediately started to cry. Not because I wasn't financially able to pay for our meal. I cried because this is exactly what I do and teach my kids. Surprising people and paying for either their meal, coffee, Starbucks, etc."

Nina hopes that this simple act of kindness inspires others to pay it forward without expecting anything in return. "God had it come back to me today. He showed me human kindness from strangers to my family," she wrote. "With all the negativity in the news - it's amazing how God shows you 'I'm here.' P.S. To the beautiful family who paid for our meal, the Carr family THANKS you!"

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