vendredi 9 juin 2017

Orange Is the New Black: No, CO Bayley Isn't in Pitch Perfect

To say that we have been anxiously awaiting the return of Orange Is the New Black for the past year would be a serious understatement. Season five was officially released on Netflix on June 9, and all is right with the world! We were left with a huge cliffhanger at the end of season four - Poussey Washington had just been killed at Litchfield Penitentiary at the hands of Corrections Officer Baxter Bayley in a chaotic cafeteria situation. This is the last straw for the inmates, who are done putting up with the prison conditions, and at the beginning of season five, a full-on riot breaks out.

So who is this guy, CO Bayley, who turns everything upside down? The 24-year-old man behind the character is Alan Aisenberg and, spoiler alert (not really), you might have seen him before. No, he's not the guy from Pitch Perfect . . . although he's used to that mix-up since he looks pretty similar to Ben Platt.

Aisenberg has appeared on TV shows like Inside Amy Schumer, Mozart in the Jungle, and Red Oaks. He's also had stints in movies like The English Teacher and It's Kind of a Funny Story.

On OITNB, he plays a young, nervous, and not-exactly-authoritative CO, which is why it's interesting that he causes Poussey's death, rather than one of the more aggressive characters. The whole situation is still controversial. CO Bayley had been holding Poussey down when Crazy Eyes starts to have a psychotic break and attack him. He had his knee on Poussey's back and had been holding her neck down as he tried to keep Crazy Eyes at bay. It is a heartbreaking scene, and it definitely kept us stressing about season five.

Will we find out if CO Bayley gets tried for murder? Or will it be ruled an accident?

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