mercredi 14 juin 2017

Proof That Pippa Middleton Could Give Pro Athletes a Run For Their Money

Even before we heard about Pippa Middleton scaling Sydney Harbour Bridge on her active honeymoon, we knew she was a sporty gal - but we didn't realize quite how sporty until we started adding up the amount of physical challenges she's undertaken over the past few years. And there are a lot - which means she's had to stay in peak physical condition in order to run, cycle, ski, swim, and climb her way around the world. Along the way, she's shared many of the diet and fitness tips that have helped her undertake at least one extreme physical challenge every year (including five in 2016 alone).

How Pippa Stays Fit

From her list of accomplishments (see below), it appears that Pippa could take on any challenge, but her favorite activities include running, walking, and tennis. When she's not training, she reportedly swears by four key exercises to keep her toned - ladders, squats, wall pushes, and planks - but she kicks her workouts up a notch ahead of race day. In order to prepare for a four-mile swim competition, Pippa trained by swimming lengths in a 40-foot pool and in open water when she could, as well as running. And to get ready for a cross-country ski race in 2012, she arrived at the site a week early to get in plenty of practice.

Pippa's Diet Tips

Pippa focuses on protein over carbs when she's preparing for competition. Before the Bosphorus Cross swimming race in 2014, she revealed: "A lot of people swear by carb-loading in the run-up to an event but it doesn't really work for me, so I just up my protein intake."

Her portion sizes also reflect her training status. After completing a 33-mile ski race in 2016, she told Hello: "I also increase my portion sizes based on my training level, with lots of brown rice, lentils, quinoa, and sweet potato, and for breakfast, porridge and rye toast. A week or so before an event, I cut out alcohol, refined sugar, and processed foods."

Pippa's Impressive Race Resume

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