samedi 17 juin 2017

The 10 Things All Moms Hope to See in Frozen 2 (But Probably Won't)

Although the much-anticipated Frozen sequel was announced back in 2015, there is now an official release date to mark your family calendars with: Nov. 27, 2019.

Since we have plenty of time to wait and because Disney is likely still working out some of the plot points and storylines, we thought we'd speak on behalf of all moms and recommend a few details for the upcoming film.

Here's what all mamas need from Frozen 2, if it's not too much to ask:

  1. That the next hit song be titled, "Just Let it Go Already." It shall be a not-at-all catchy tune teaching children how not to throw a tantrum in public, eat something other than a chicken nugget, and keep both of their shoes in the same place.
  2. That Anna only wear one dress for the duration of the film. Better yet, let's have her and Elsa wear the same exact one, so that we only need to buy one gown for Halloween and the dress-up bin.
  3. That Sven learn to speak. Preferably in a sophisticated accent of sorts, maybe British - that way, we don't have to hear Kristoff's annoying interpretation.
  4. That Olaf be . . . less present. Don't get us wrong, we love Josh Gad and his humor, but the voice he puts on for Olaf is a little much sometimes. Maybe we have him melt just a teeny bit? (Too sinister?)
  5. That Elsa use her powers to build a slightly smaller house this time. The last thing we need is for our kids to think mansions are the norm and that they appear out of thin ice . . . HA.
  6. That Anna won't teach our kids to up and leave a party to go sing songs with total strangers. She takes "love at first sight" and runs a little too far away with it for comfort.
  7. That the Abominable Snowman be a main character. But only if he wears his tiara and behaves as he does in the comedic end credits of the first movie - we don't need the scary version.
  8. Follow the first movie's lead and keep the fear and danger to a minimum. We love that Hans, assh*le that he was, was still one to take a break from his royal life to sing a love song about finishing each other's sandwiches.
  9. That it be revealed the trolls actually come from vegetables. That way, the kids'll stop picking up random rocks off the street and pick up their broccoli instead.
  10. That Elsa will wear a less complicated hairstyle this time around. Maybe a messy bun? Or perhaps fresh out of bed and not combed?

- Additional reporting by Sarah Wasilak

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