mardi 13 juin 2017

The 30-Day No-Fail Happiness Challenge

Ask anyone what their ultimate goal in life is, and no matter what their answer is - be it a job, a relationship, or something else - it all boils down to one basic want: happiness. However, most of us are doing happiness all wrong. It's not really anything on the outside that'll make us happy; it's all internal.

Harvard-trained happiness researcher Shawn Achor sat down with Oprah Winfrey recently and shared some tips that he believes will effectively turn anyone into a positive person. Based on his advice, we created a 30-day challenge that we're confident will take you from zero to happy in just a month. You'll notice that this challenge isn't like others in that you'll be doing the same thing for more than 21 days. We wanted you to practice these habits for more than 21 days because that's the amount of time it takes to start a habit. We're hoping that you'll keep this going, perhaps in a modified form, for the rest of your happy life.

Even if it's not the start of the month, you can always get started today and just follow our plan for the next 30 days. Don't let any excuses come in between you and your happy place!

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