vendredi 2 juin 2017

The Next Time Someone Asks Why You're Exhausted, Show Them This

Do you have that well-meaning friend who always seems so dumbfounded as to why you are always a) exhausted, b) late for something, or c) exhausted?

The hilarious Kristina Kuzmic has dutifully created a video to explain why parents of toddlers are the tired, frazzled excuses for human beings you see before you. From the sh*t that goes on in their bathroom when they aren't looking to the obnoxiously indecisive demands made over a shopping cart ("I want to get innnnn!" followed immediately by "I want to get ouuuuuut!"), this is proof that if adults acted like 2-year-olds, the world would undoubtedly explode.

Does that answer your question, well-meaning friend?!

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