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All the Reasons I Loved Eating Paleo (and the Reason I Decided to Stop)
Over the years, I've allowed myself to be a guinea pig when it comes to diet trends; I've gone pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, and most recently, Paleo. Based on the dietary habits of our cave-dwelling ancestors, the Paleo d… Read More
Bob Harper Says If You Do These 4 Things, You're Guaranteed to Lose Weight - and Keep It Off!
Celebrity trainer, author, and The Biggest Loser star Bob Harper has been helping celebrity clients and TV contestants lose weight for decades, but recently he's made some powerful changes to his approach, both personally an… Read More
Exactly How Much Turmeric to Have a Day to Reap Its Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Turmeric, a spice you probably see in your local grocery store, is often found in recipes everywhere from the Middle East to Asia and India and is the main component of curry powder. There are a lot of reasons to love it - i… Read More
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This Is What Solved My Extreme Bloating Problem That 4 Doctors Couldn't Figure Out
A lot of things changed when I moved to San Francisco. I was much colder. I bought my first real jacket. I tried Philz Coffee for the first time. I started a new job. And, out of nowhere, my stomach started ballooning arbitr… Read More
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