samedi 10 juin 2017
You've Got to See This Hysterical Interview Between a Dad and His 14-Month-Old
We all have burning questions for our children that we wish they could answer in a helpful way, specifically regarding why they won't sleep in normal patterns or share anything with anyone. In what may be the most thrilling parenting interview conducted this year, La Guardia Cross, father to 14-month-old Amalah (viral beatboxing star), asks some of these pressing questions, which produce - as you can imagine - hilarious results.
La Guardia gets right into it and asks Amalah the big questions, such as, "Why do you choose to not financially contribute to the family?" You know, typical questions that you, too, would ask your toddler. However, what makes this video laugh-out-loud funny is not the interview itself but the way La Guardia has edited the clips of Amalah, complete with subtitles of her sassy responses.
Watch the video to see Amalah and her daddy in action and to learn a thing or two about toddler deception.
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