samedi 12 août 2017
Can You Figure Out the Answer to This "Simple" Kindergarten Homework?
For most parents of kindergartners, their kids are still young enough that they can successfully help with their homework - before more complicated algebra equations leave some of the adults just as confused as their kiddos. But for one family, their little girl's writing homework completely stumped the adults, and it's going viral as others are left scratching their heads over what the correct answer could possible be.
Royce Winnick shared a photo of the worksheet that was intended for 5-year-olds, and though it starts out simple enough, the last question makes little sense no matter your age. The topic of this worksheet is the letter "T," and after tracing the letter, it asks that you "tap out" the word in the picture and write the sounds you hear. "Tub," "ten," and "top" are reasonable answers to the first three images shown, but what would you call a photo of five bunnies in a cage that starts with T?
Although Royce's little one went with "pet," and the teacher accepted her response, the correct answer was apparently "vet," which is leaving everyone at a loss. "We thought the assignment was ridiculous for a 5-year-old," Royce told POPSUGAR. "I wrote the teacher about the assignment and her response was that she will be writing to the publisher about a few of these pictures."
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