mardi 15 août 2017

This Dad's "Silly" Potato Trick Miraculously Stopped a Toddler Temper Tantrum

Did you know that when you're cooking a soup or a stew and it tastes a bit too salty, you can add a potato to absorb the extra sodium?

It was this bit of culinary expertise that saved a clever dad from an epic toddler temper tantrum.

"Today my three-year-old is just whining and complaining about everything," a dad posted to Reddit. "From his lunch to having to clean the floor to the show his brother wanted to watch. So I told him that he needs to stop being so salty . . . and then it clicked."

Thanks to his "sarcastic dad-brain," he found the biggest potato in the pantry and gave it to his son: "I told him that he needs to hold onto this until he changes his attitude. He's too salty and when he's calm and ready to say nice things he can put down the potato and join us again."

And, just like that, it worked.

"He thought it was so silly and his mood changed," he wrote. "At first he was confused and wanted to put it down, but I told him that he will absolutely under no circumstances put the potato down until he's in a better mood to compose himself."

It sounds a bit ridiculous, sure, but we've all been desperate enough to at least give this potato trick a try, right?

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