jeudi 17 août 2017

This Is My New Favorite Ab Exercise, and You Should Try It Right Now

I love an exercise that works multiple body parts simultaneously. I love an exercise that makes me feel strong. And I love an exercise that requires no equipment - I like to be spontaneous sometimes. The knee driver checks all those boxes, making it my new favorite exercise. It makes my shoulders and my abs burn in the best way possible. Plus, this bodyweight exercise gets the heart rate up . . . a definite plus in my book. I suggest adding this move to your fitness routine. It's good after a run or a ride, and it fits into almost any workout.

Knee Driver

  • Begin in an elbow-plank position, with the abs pulled toward the spine.
  • Exhale and draw the left knee into the chest; your pelvis will move toward the ceiling. Then step the foot back to the elbow-plank position. This counts as one rep.
  • Now draw the right knee into the chest, and then step it back to the elbow-plank position.
  • Continue alternating sides and complete as many reps as you can in a minute to complete a set. Do two to three sets.

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