mercredi 9 août 2017

Trader Joe's Foods Moms Should Eat Instead of the Kids' Leftover Chicken Nuggets

If you live near a Trader Joe's and have children to feed, you probably spend a lot of time wandering the aisles (or racing through them if you're shopping with a kid who's found themselves a pint-size, ankle-nipping cart). But Trader Joe's plentiful, kid-friendly options aren't the only things you should be picking up on your next TJ's trip. The grocery chain didn't get its cult status by only selling frozen breaded chicken, after all - though you should buy that, too (I prefer the bagged tenderloin breasts).

Besides its constant, innovative new arrivals, Trader Joe's is also stocked full of healthy, easy options for moms on the go who are trying to keep their diets from becoming 50 percent coffee and wine, 50 percent leftover french fries and nuggets.

From quick breakfast options to grab-and-go lunches you'll want to eat over and over again, here are 12 mom-friendly foods you have to pick up during your next Trader Joe's run.

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