jeudi 7 septembre 2017
11 Signs You're an Ambivert
We know that introverts value their alone time, while extroverts thrive in social settings. So what personality type are you if you fall in between? If you don't really identify with one end of the spectrum, you're an ambivert. You are a hybrid of both parties and adjust according to the situation.
According to a study by Adam Grant at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, ambiverts actually hold an advantage over introverts and extroverts and are, surprisingly, better salespeople as a result.
"Because they naturally engage in a flexible pattern of talking and listening, ambiverts are likely to express sufficient assertiveness and enthusiasm to persuade and close a sale but are more inclined to listen to customers' interests and less vulnerable to appearing too excited or overconfident," the study said.
Sounds pretty good to us. See the 11 signs below to further prove you're an in-betweener, and take this quiz to confirm.
- Social settings don't freak you out, but you can't be around people for too long. You have the ability to be outgoing in groups, but you also find yourself wanting to go home sooner than others. Your stamina also depends on the company you're with, meaning you can typically last longer with those you already know.
- You enjoy your alone time but can get bored if you're alone for too long. You appreciate the time you have to yourself to a certain extent. Once you feel like you've reenergized, you're able to jump back into the scene. Same with crowds - you feel drained after being around others past your socializing limit.
- You can engage in conversation as much as you can sit back. You're a great listener, but you can also hold a conversation. You can feel out the situation to figure out how much more or little you need to contribute to keep things flowing comfortably. You're also good at detecting certain emotions and can drive the interaction to fit accordingly.
- You're comfortable working in groups and alone. You can easily collaborate with other members, but you also don't mind taking on a project on your own. You can excel either way.
- Your energy level can drop at a moment's notice. You'll be having a great time with friends until all of a sudden, you feel drained and bored. You can't remain in that setting for much longer or else you won't be much fun.
- You're pretty emotionally stable. You are not easily overwhelmed by things and feel relatively balanced in most settings. You're flexible and not sensitive to certain factors that might influence other personalities. In a state of emergency, you can stay calm and take charge, as well as keep cool in an overly exciting situation.
- You can be quiet or very social, depending on who you talk to. You don't necessarily like to initiate conversation but welcome it if approached. You're happy to meet new people, though you probably won't make yourself known in a group of strangers. You can be a wallflower when you want to be, as well as a social butterfly. You know certain people who might say you're shy and others who swear you're totally outgoing.
- You don't mind being the center of attention but can't stay in the spotlight. You're not freaked out by having all eyes on you. In fact, you kind of like it. But when you feel like you've been the focus for too long, you get uncomfortable and want to redirect the attention elsewhere.
- You have to be in the mood to want to go out. Sometimes, you look forward to spending your Friday out, while on other weekends, you refuse to see anyone. If you're mentally set on wanting to be alone, you can be perceived as boring when you're forced to socialize.
- You're good at small talk, but it annoys the hell out of you. You know the drill when it comes to filling the silence, but it's not always the most sincere. You do what you have to to keep the momentum but will get exhausted by it at some point. You even avoid social settings entirely if you know you can't handle small talk at the time.
- You're indecisive. You have trouble making solid choices because you can really go either way. You know you'll enjoy staying in, but you also know that you could have a lot of fun if you go out. Though not easily, you can be persuaded into or out of things if the right things are said.
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