jeudi 7 septembre 2017

How to Nail the Video Chat Interview

In our increasingly scattered and tech-nimble world, it's more and more common to have an interview over video chat before the candidate and company invest in meeting IRL. It may seem like this first round of virtual interviews will be easier than the in-person kind, but you should treat these interviews the same way you would any other. For starters, don't neglect to get dressed below the waist - even if you think they won't be able to see that part of your body. Keep reading for some top tips from Skype on nailing that video chat interview.

Precall Setup

Set a clean and bright stage: Adjust the lighting sources in the room where you'll be seated to make sure you won't be swallowed up by dark shadows. Also, choose a plain, neutral background and remove any distracting pictures or other clutter so you can take center stage as the main focus of the call.

Take the lead by creating a Skype link: Show some initiative by creating a Skype link that you and the interviewer can click on to start the call.

Practice! The night before the interview, ask a friend or family member to do a test call with you to check the sound and video quality. While they're on the line, you might as well practice your responses to common interview questions.

Tips For a Video Chat Interview

Mind your posture: Your mom was right about most things - including the fact that bad posture makes you look like a slouch - and all those years of being told to sit up straight should come in handy during an interview. Nice posture is a quick and easy way to seem polished and prepared.

Make the right kind of eye contact: Look at the webcam - not the screen. This will make you seem more locked in with your interviewer, like you're actually looking into their eyes.

Dress for success - even from the waist down! According to a 2016 survey, more than one-fifth of Skype interviewees admitted to dressing casually from the waist down during their interviews. They say to dress for the job you want, so what does it mean if you're not wearing any pants?!

Keep your résumé within clicking distance: Although you won't have to present a hard copy of your résumé like you would in an in-person interview, it's still best to have the file ready to transfer via Skype IM if requested.

Avoid quick movements: Try not to move your hands or body too much or too fast during a Skype call, as this can create a blurring effect and make your facial expressions unreadable.

Advice For the Mobile Interview

Opt for landscape mode: Keep your mobile device on its side so that you're filling the interviewer's screen horizontally.

Keep it steady and elevated: Create a stand for the mobile device, propping it up on a level surface parallel with your eyeline so you won't be holding it with shaky hands or filming up from a low angle.

Avoid interruptions: Before the interview begins, turn off notifications so you're not interrupted by text messages and news alerts.

Ditch the headphones: Rather than using a pair of awkward-looking headphones, find a quiet place to conduct the interview so you can hear and be heard in peace.

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