mardi 5 septembre 2017
3 Things to Help You Have a Tighter and More Toned Tummy
If you're constantly doing crunches to get a six-pack, you may be going about things the wrong way. Along with fat-burning cardio, the best way to lose belly fat is through these three diet changes.
Eat These
Proven to reduce abdominal fat, MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids) should be a part of your daily diet, and you can find them in avocado, nuts and nut butters, seeds, and olive oil. Just be mindful of how much you eat since these are also high in calories. Blueberries are also proven to diminish belly fat, so make a point to throw them in your salads and smoothies. Some foods like pineapple contain an enzyme that helps ease digestion and banish bloat, making your belly look and feel flatter. High-fiber foods like pears, berries, veggies, beans, and whole grains have the same effect - plus they keep you feeling full longer, just like healthy fats. Feeling full keeps hunger at bay, so you crave less and eat less, reducing your total daily calorie intake which will reduce your overall body fat, including that extra bit around your middle.
Ditch These
Trans fat is a big no-no for your health in general, but also for your belly. It's found in many processed foods like granola bars, crackers, cookies, some peanut butter, and breads. If the list of ingredients includes partially hydrogenated oil, put it back on the shelf. Avoid processed foods, soda, and meats that are high in saturated fat. Try to limit sugar, simple carbs like bagels, and alcohol since these won't fill you up, so you'll end up eating extra calories you don't need. Also, steer clear of foods that personally cause you bloating like dairy products, sweeteners, or bread.
The Trifecta
You don't need to give up carbs and go all crazy with a protein-only diet. Instead, CrossFit competitor Christmas Abbott told us to embrace the macronutrient trifecta of proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats to help reduce overall body fat, which will aid in reducing stubborn belly fat. Including all three in your meals will make you feel more satisfied so you end up consuming smaller portions. Plus, you'll feel fuller longer which helps you consume fewer total calories.
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