dimanche 8 octobre 2017

Wow, American Horror Story Had Too Many F*cked-Up Moments to Count This Week

Are you OK? Is everyone OK? We know the answer is probably no, because this week's episode of American Horror Story really did a number. In what must be one of the most f*cked-up episodes to date, we meet a "gimp" who's hanging on some hooks in an attic, watch a centipede crawl out of Ally's neck, and watch the group of clowns plunge a bunch of nails into a poor guy's head. And that's just the tip of the emotionally scarring iceberg. Quite frankly, it all makes Emma Roberts's brutal on-air stabbing look like child's play. If you can bear it, let's all rehash the most disturbing moments from this week's episode together. Maybe we can process it as a group and get some closure.

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