vendredi 6 octobre 2017
You'll Want This Star Wars Line of Fitness Gear to Use the Force on Your Core
Whether you're on the dark side or the light, you'll find something to love in Onnit's new line of Star Wars-inspired fitness gear. With a yoga mat, a slam ball, and a set of different kettlebell weights, the line includes everything you need for an engaging workout. Good in both hot outdoor settings like Tatooine and indoor spaces like the Jedi Temple, the Onnit line has an all-black aesthetic that would make Kylo Ren jealous.
The intergalactic workout goodies are available for preorder right now, so you can start using the Force to tone your physique as soon as the products become available. In the meantime, check out the products and descriptions from the line. You'll immediately grab your wallet . . . and that's no Jedi mind trick!
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