jeudi 23 novembre 2017
3 Weight-Loss Rules For Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for so many reasons. But you need to make sure that you're doing it right. If you're trying to maintain or lose weight, here are some things to consider when enjoying your first meal of the day.
Eat It Soon
Studies have found that eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism, and not only that, it can help ensure that you don't feel so starved later that you make bad eating choices for lunch or dinner. To take advantage of your body's fat-burning potential, try to eat breakfast soon after waking up.
Go For Filling
Stay away from foods that can lead to a midmorning crash. Instead, opt for meals that are full of slow-digesting nutrients to help keep you satisfied throughout the morning; high-fiber, high-protein breakfast options are a good choice for feeling full and energized. And make sure your breakfast doesn't have too much sugar in it - here are seven low-sugar, high-protein, and fiber-filled breakfast ideas that fit the bill.
Watch Out For Portions
A big breakfast can help fill you up, but you don't want to overdo it. Check out our handy chart of what servings sizes should look like, and keep calories in check with this list of the amount of calories in typical breakfasts.
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