mercredi 31 janvier 2018

6 Reasons a Good Night's Sleep Is the Beauty Product You've Been Missing

Did you know that there is a magical cure that can potentially give you the lively, healthy, blemish-free skin you've been looking for? "Beauty sleep" is real, and it's the best (and cheapest) way to get the skin of your dreams.

When you get enough sleep, your body repairs itself in every way it can, even keeping itself as beautiful as possible. It boosts blood flow, produces collagen, and decreases stress hormones. It might not seem like much, but a bit of shut-eye and improved blood is even more beneficial than any spa treatment.

On the flip side, "There are many consequences of sleep deprivation," write Dermatologists Lily Talakoub, MD and Naissan O. Wesley, MD. "The most clinically apparent ones - swollen, sunken eyes; dark circles; and pale, dehydrated skin - are obvious . . . Sleep deprivation affects wound healing, collagen growth, skin hydration, and skin texture."

Here's a long list of skin ailments you won't see if you get your beauty sleep.

  1. Dry skin: The collagen produced during sleep will increase blood flow and work to keep your skin moisturized and soft.
  2. Wrinkles: Again, that collagen works wonder on your skin. Get lots of sleep now, and you're less likely to see too many wrinkles as you age.
  3. Puffy eyes: That under-eye swelling and puffiness is the first thing most of us notice after poor sleep. A good eight hours of REM sleep will keep those bags in check.
  4. Poor complexion: Your skin will glow if it's well-rested. Your body's improved circulation during sleep keeps nutrients flowing and prevents your skin from looking drab and colorless.
  5. Weak hair: Just like with your complexion, your hair can look fuller and healthier from the nutrients brought to hair follicles during sleep.
  6. Skin conditions: OK, sleep is not magical enough to eliminate all skin conditions. But acne, eczema, or skin sensitivity are always aggravated by sleep deprivation.

Some added bonuses: well-rested skin responds better to skincare and beauty products and tends to show signs of aging later.

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