vendredi 2 mars 2018

This $8 Blackhead Removal Kit Is the Most Satisfying Thing You'll Ever Buy From Amazon

When I have an annoying zit, it's so hard to resist popping it. Using your fingers increases your risk of scarring, so you have to be careful! That's what I was beyond excited to find this Bestope Blackhead Removal Kit ($8) that's going viral on Amazon. A total of 2,700 people have reviewed the product, and 65 percent of them give the set five stars - that's quite impressive.

The kit includes a case and five two-sided tools. The tools have a stainless steel antibacterial coating that lowers the chance of sensitivity issues and minimizes risk of infection. The key with this kit is to use it safely and properly. "Correct usage makes things easy, we don't suggest using any blackhead remover before the acne matured, and please wipe all tools with rubbing alcohol before and after each use," the manufacturer states in the product description.

So how do you use these tools? It's actually quite simple. They work for blackheads, whiteheads, and any other pesky zits you're dealing with. Most of them have circular tips that you simply press up against your skin to make the pimple pop. There is also a needle-tipped option for puncturing acne. Again, clean the tools with rubbing alcohol both before and after you use them - sanitation is important.

When you are extracting pimples, make sure to be very gentle. There is always a risk of leaving a scar behind, so keep that in mind before you go to town on your face. That being said, many people find this set to be incredibly helpful when getting rid of unwanted acne.

"These are the most helpful little tools for effectively removing blackheads and zits without pain," one customer said. "I cleaned almost my entire face within one hour of having these, even those tiny hard to get blackheads are gone."

So will you be giving this handy little kit a try? We can't wait to test it out for ourselves.

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