samedi 7 avril 2018

Get Fetish-Worthy Toes With These 9 Foot Masks

Right now, I'd probably rather walk out of my apartment shirtless than wear sandals in public. We've (barely) emerged on the other side of a ruthless Winter, during which I've had no reason to showcase my toes. I took no trips but did indulge on a vacation from any foot maintenance. Because of that, if I slipped on sandals right now, I might be risking arrest for indecent exposure - it's that gross down there.

Luckily, if I've learned anything in this life, it's that when I find myself in times of trouble, sheet masks come to me. Yep, just like you can slap a sheet over your lovely face and hands, there are also a few made specifically for your toesies. And I promise not all of these treatments are as weird as Baby Foot is.


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