mardi 10 avril 2018
Refresh Your Commode With DIY Toilet Fizzies

Freshen things fast with toilet fizzies that clean and eliminate smells. And (ahem) this solution is much better than lighting a match. Personalize with your favorite scents and your bathroom will be the best-smelling spot in your home. Stash in a cute container on your commode and simply drop in a small fizzy when needed.
What You'll Need:
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/4 cup citric acid
- 1/2 teaspoon vinegar
- 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide
- 15 to 20 drops essential oil
- Sheet pan
- Parchment paper
- Measuring spoons
- Spray bottle (optional)
- Add the baking soda to a mixing bowl and use a fork to break up any clumps. Baking soda naturally cleans and eliminates icky odors, making it the perfect base for the fizzies. Add the citric acid, or powdered produce preservative, which you can find near the canning supplies at your local grocery store, and give things a stir. The citric acid adds the oomph to these cleaners.
- In a small glass, mix together the vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, which work together to help clean your commode. Now drop by drop, add the vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to the baking soda. If you add the liquid all at once, you'll have a huge mess due to the reaction between the baking soda and citric acid!
- Now add the essential oil and gently mix. Any fragrance works wonderfully, but something fresh like wintergreen, lemongrass, or lavender leaves a wonderful lingering scent.
- Use a one-half teaspoon to scoop and mold the mixture into small half rounds and then tap onto a parchment-covered sheet pan. You can spritz the rounds with equal parts vinegar and water to create a crust, which helps hold them together. Let dry for at least four hours or overnight.
- Place the dried fizzies in a sealable glass jar and keep next to your commode, making sure to stick on a label so they aren't mistaken for breath mints! The next time things get smelly, after flushing, drop in a tablet and you'll love how things freshen up in no time.
Makes around 30 small fizzies.
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