mardi 17 avril 2018

You Need to Read This Mom's Warning About Car Seat Strap Covers After Her Baby Was Thrown From Her Seat

Hannah McKinney Pope, a mom from Georgia, shared an important public service announcement that all parents should hear: don't use car seat accessories that don't come with your child's car seat. In a now-viral Facebook post, Hannah explained exactly why you shouldn't just use mix-and-match car seat accessories without ensuring their safety after her baby daughter, Robin, was injured in a car accident.

"These [sheepskin harness covers] were on my 2-month-old daughter's car seat when she was involved in a car accident," wrote Hannah. "The vehicle cartwheeled twice and rested on its side. She was ejected from the seat due to the belt covers. When we got to the vehicle, all the straps were tight and intact. The car seat was still in its base attached to the seat, but the force of the vehicle made the sheepskin slide against her shirt and she went flying out."

Thankfully, Robin only suffered a fractured arm and a few cuts and bruises, but Hannah is still urging parents to think twice about making the same mistake with their children.

"Please, please, please, people, DO NOT put things on a car seat that did not come that way from the manufacturer. Plus, anything on a car seat in an accident voids the warranty! We had to learn the hard way and I thank god every day that God had his hands on her," she said. "They may look cute and it may be soft, but for your child's safety don't do it. We attended a car seat safety class at the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and it was a real eye-opener."


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