mardi 5 juin 2018

11 Acceptable Ways to Use the Upside-Down Face Emoji

When the upside-down emoji face came into my life in 2015, I instantly knew it was my go-to sarcastic face. But as I used it more, it became my "I'm secretly mad at you" and even my "I feel awkward" face. The point is, the upside-down face emoji has so many uses - and they're all OK.

According to Emojipedia, the upside-down face emoji is meant to show "silliness or goofiness." It also says it's an "ambiguous emotion," with people using it in a joking or sarcastic manner. Basically, everyone uses it so differently and it's not simply a smiley face turned upside down.

Ahead, see all the ways we break down using this emoji.

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