samedi 8 septembre 2018
Beyond the Lattes: 30+ Healthy Pumpkin Spice Treats, Snacks, and Foods

Whether you're ready or not, pumpkin spice season is upon us. And if you're a pumpkin fan but also livin' that healthy lifestyle, fear not: there's tons of stuff for you, too.
It's true, though - pumpkin spice flavors aren't just for Oreos and sugary lattes (although we don't mind those now and then!). From protein powders to flax-and-pumpkin-seed granolas to oatmeals and Greek yogurts, it seems like pumpkin spice has invaded some of our healthiest staples and snacks. We're not mad about it. 'Tis the season, right?
- Additional reporting by Christina Stiehl
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