jeudi 22 novembre 2018

F45 First-Timers, This Is What an Instructor Says You Should Wear and Bring

F45 training is the Aussie-born circuit workout sweeping the fitness industry with multiple franchises in more than 36 countries. The conception of this workout is quite simple. The F stands for functional and 45 is the complete duration of each session in minutes. This innovative interval technique combines ever-changing workouts ranging from rowing and kettlebells to battle ropes and stationary bikes for a serious sweat.

Even as a seasoned athlete (I box and circuit train), I was a bit intimidated when I signed up for my first F45 class. Luckily for me, there is a studio a short distance away from where I live, so I popped in a day before my class to ask a few questions. I spoke with Chris Teakle, director and owner of F45 Williamsburg to get expert advice on how to properly prep prior to training, and most importantly what gear to bring and wear to the make the best out of the class.

What to Wear:

  • Long pants and a tight top: "First and foremost, you should be comfortable, but it's also important to choose functional clothes that give you the right support," Teakle says. "Most of our members would wear similar clothing to what you'd wear to a yoga class: full-length leggings, a crop top or a tightish sleeveless top, as you do tend to get sweaty". In my experience, workout leggings are better than shorts, because they offer more freedom in movement and full coverage with extra security for floor exercises. Every second counts in interval training, so there's no time for readjusting your shorts when you have a nanosecond to get to the rowing machine.
  • Athletic shoes: Opt for cross-training shoes that support both cardio and strength-training exercises to aid in full support. This will guarantee safety, comfort and minimize injury.

Other Tips For Your First Class:

  • Bring a water bottle: Being dehydrated during your workout is not ideal and can make you feel pretty crappy during class. You feel dizzy, crampy, nauseous and completely out of touch with your body, which essentially ruins your workout and can pose a risk to your health. Be sure to drink a good amount of fluids prior to class to promote mental clarity and optimal strength. For convenience, F45 has a water station to refill bottles as needed.
  • Get there early: No one wants to feel stressed or rushed. This applies to all, but especially for first-timers who are new to this group class. Get there a few minutes early and introduce yourself to the instructor, go over any injuries or woes you might have prior to class.
  • Come ready to work: F45 is no joke. The class uses a wide variety of exercises that challenge you beyond what you could imagine - all safely.

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